Thursday, October 9, 2008

Michael Savage begins forming third party.

Fed up with the two party system, and how corrupt and inept the Republican Party has gotten over the past 20 years, radio talk show host Michael Savage announced today on his radio show that he will start a third party, based on the three principles of borders, language, and culture.

Personally I have found that I agree with many of the opinions of Michael Savage, and will be following this movement very closely to see if it is truly a viable option.  While most third parties seem to crash and burn, I believe there may be a real desire by a large amount of voters to see the emergence of a strong third party that stands for the strength of our military, the protection of our borders, and the protection of citizens against large government politics.

You can check out more at:


John Cunneen said...

While I support a third party-I too feel that the Republicans have failed-I think this Mike Savage thing is comical. Most folks interested in a third party want to see a willingness to reach across party lines, work together, compromise-they are not looking for more hardline, less compromise, less willingness to work together.

Savage promises a party of extremisits-he'll get some interest but itll be a side show circus act like most extreme party/movements are.

NoNOoNe said...

Agreed with John, even though I agree with some of Savage's ideas, he doesn't represent enough of a mainstream thought process to create a credible third party.

imho, a third party should be focused on education, stable economy, military, soverignty with the protection of the people at it's core.

NoNOoNe said...

This is...

Short selling

It involves borrowing a company’s shares, selling them, and then buying them back when the stock falls and returning them to the lender. The practice allows investors to profit from the decline in a stock’s value.

Yeah, very unethical.

Brian Conley said...

I won't reach across the isle to the other party. What I see in the democrat party is a bunch of communist/socialist ideas that I cannot compromise with. And I see the Republican party beginning to enter the Facist phase... which I also cannot condone.

We need a party that goes back to the constitution, slashes most government programs (education being a big one), and returning to the basics.

I will write a blog soon on why I think the federal government should never be in the education system. At all.